A few words on industrial ambiance and image
Lofts – apartments in former factories (or new, stylized to look like the old), are becoming well rooted in the structures of large cities.
Sometimes their ambiance is deliberately transferred to newly built properties.

What are the typical features of lofts?
Loft is usually recognizable “at a first glance”. It is defined by:
- Room height – usually exceeding the standard of “ordinary” housing.
- Characteristic, large windows with usually black frames and bars.
- Use of simple, modest equipment with basic functions.
- The intended severity of materials used in the arrangement of materials – rough, unpaved surfaces, lack of refined ornaments.
- Use of a modest colour range, dominated by untreated wood, metal, glass, white, gray, black colours and sometimes the addition of brick (from typical red brick to bricks in different shades of white, sand, gray and their melange or “fired” combinations).
- The deliberate abandonment of any light scattering – no curtains, curtains or blinds in the windows and no shade on the “naked” light bulbs.
Brick as intrinsic element of lofts
Brick is the natural building material of most factories and, inevitably, revitalized post-industrial facilities.
Since rarely this material is in sufficient technical and aesthetic condition in its authentic state, it is replaced by adequate counterparts. These include decorative facings made of gypsum or concrete technology. Visually they are indistinguishable from the original and functionally perform superbly.

Below there are examples of arrangements using a decorative brick cladding:
Red brick classics
Brick in natural color decorates the whole interior. White, simple form of furniture and the light emphasize the beauty of brick walls.
The aging effect
Is it demolition brick or damaged walls of an old factory? Porous surface, irregular edge shape, melange of colors – all this adds to the authenticity of walls.
RETRO ambiance

Brick wakes up sentiments. It brings memories and at the same time lets you enjoy the present. It gives a feeling of stability and home warmth, even in seemingly austere loft spaces. Brick blends well with simple furniture with clearly defined functions and Scandinavian style accessories.
White color of bricks brilliantly contrasts with the matt-gray top of rough wall surfaces, light flooring and expressive furniture and accessories. The whole is so energizing that you would like to know the inhabitants of this locum personally.
Retro climates in an elegant, modern version. The elegance of the finishing materials used adds glamour. Brick with its rough, rugged surface, regular shape, repetitive rhythm and natural coloration perfectly co-creates the industrial character of lofts. No other cladding is likely to do it better.
More loft arrangements at www.stonemaster.pl/en/decorative-stone-for-facades-and-interiors